trenchless methodology, horizontal directional equipments provides an
installations which is more easier than traditional open cut drilling.
It is very helpful in installations of municipal pipes, pipes for gas
oils etc.
The horizontal drilling methodology involves drilling of small pilot
hole. To minimize friction bore path of straight alignment is generally
followed. Pilot hole is enlarged by pulling back larger reamers or
reaming heads. To lubricate the cutting heads during the drilling
operations and stabilize reamed bore path prior to and during pullback.
Polymers are also used for this purpose sometimes.
Applications of Horizontal Directional Drilling

Followings are the applications of horizontal directional equipments :
- Used to install pipelines of various sizes and materials below
the ground surface.
- Feasible in open cut installations like road and river
- Useful in the installation and replacement of gas pipeline, water
pipelines etc.
- It helps in the installation of conduit under an obstacle, such
as a river or a road, without disturbing the surrounding area.
- Used for the installation of underground gas, electric, water,
telecommunication or soil remediation lines without excavation or