is an important mechanical equipment that is used for excavating,
digging and hauling of materials. Scraper is available in different
sizes and configuration depending on the nature of the project. It is
one of the most versatile equipment that performs different functions
single handedly.
Mechanical Operations
Mechanics of scraper is simple. It is powered by either single engine
or double engine. The push/pull arrangement for scraper has two
twin-engine machines hooked up to help each other with loading. There
are also elevating and auger configuration and open bowls. The construction scrapers
have hydraulically operated bails and push blocks with hooks. During
loading, the trailing scraper's bail snags the hook and holds the
machines together. This push pull arrangement work efficiently without
consuming much time.

The single lever implement controls and combines the traditional three
implement levers into one joystick. Auger scrapers help load granular
material, laminated rock, and mud more easily, while elevating scrapers
work alone for great economy on hauls with lower rolling resistance. It
is because of this fact scrapers are highly useful in various projects.
Scrapers are applied in various fields like :
- It helps in preparing the ground for the new loads of solid
waste that constantly arrive.
- Helps in preparing work at landfills.
- It digs, the site, loads, hauls and dumps the wastes materials and
helps in preparing the sites for construction.
- It is also used in road construction etc.