finishing is necessary as it prevents water seepage and hence water
logging. Canal finishing is done through lining of concrete on both side
of the canals. Concrete trucks have access on one side only and the
canal spanning conveyor allows concrete to be placed on the opposite
canal slope. Machine can be used alternatively for bed and slope
finishing canal projects. Longitudinal and transverse joints are scored
with attachments on the canal finisher machine and the workers on the
work bridge finish the joints.
The finisher covers maximum distance while paving. The finisher can
finish the work at a faster rate. The special under carriage consists of
a spreader augar to spread the concrete to level, the finishing cylinder
to compact and finish the concrete to the grade. Canals are lined by
using canal liners. Grade and steering control of canal liner is is
maintained by an automated sensoring system following stringline.
Some machines used two separate finishing cylinders and carriages. The
machine finishes the concrete lining with a minimum radius at the
intersection point of the slope and bottom which reduces the possibility
of a fracture point in this area of the lining.